Web Site - SEO - Make you #1
Published in Misc · Thursday 27 Apr 2023 · 1:00
After 22 years of building or hosting web sites, things have certainly changed. One thing which has not changed is, SEO Companies calling clients, touting they can make them appear on the first page or be #1. The Web sites used to play fair pretty much accross the board, and talent and skill played an important role in good web site building as far SEO went. We used to tell people the Golden Rule, " Remember, there is always a #1 and there can only be one, #1". Now, there is big money in charging people to be on the first page or #1, even though the same Rule applies.
Google has pretty much shifted to a, if you do not pay, you will never be found, in respect to key words or industry. As well, they eliminated a page by page result. Now, it is one big long scrolling page. Opps, see how they did that. Now everyone is on Page #1.
So, before you pay extra to some SEO company for something, remember the Golden Rule.