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What does F.O.C. mean when porting a phone number?

Litecom - An I.T. Services and Telecommunications Company
Published in VoIP · Friday 21 Aug 2015 ·  1:00

An F.O.C. (or Firm Order Commitment) FOC Date is when the local carrier will commit to having the circuit you ordered provisioned and physically ready to go. Frequently there are additional steps before the circuit is ready for turn up.

When porting a number, neither the winning carrier or losing carrier have any control over the F.O.C. Date. There is an entity in control in the middle which verifys the information. There is NO WAY to have a phone conversation or "White Glove" the port. This is a security feature built into the process. So do not be mad at anyone and accuse them of "Blocking your port out".

It takes experience and knowledge for a successful port and sometimes you need the professional services company such as Litecom to assist in this process.

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